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About RNJ Power Centre Limited

About RNJ Power Centre Limited

RNJ Power Centre LTD is a private company owned business established in 2008 under the business name “RNJ Power Centre” it was later in 2016 registered as a limited liability company under the names of “RNJ POWER CENTRE LIMITED”.

This company deals in a variety of power Products in Uganda. It distributes modern Agricultural equipment, generators, water pumps, vibrators, general purpose engines, garden tools like lawnmowers, cleaning equipment, air compressors, service parts and other products.

RNJ Power Centre Ltd has a competitive prices. Highly-qualified, self motivated employees work on our main office and at different branches. Even our service center is equipped to perform total overhauls, there are also qualified service engineers, with necessary diagnostic and repair tools, can be dispatched at any time to customers ‘Therefore we are in business of proving customers with quality and competitively priced power products.


constantly provide quality products and services that meet customer expectations whilst focusing on continual development of our team and meeting stakeholder requirements.


contribute to the development of the Uganda agricultural sector through the supply and support of applicable, reliable, durable and value-for money equipment and services. We will strive to ensure continuous staff development and improvement, safety, efficiency, respect and customer focus.


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